Saturday, May 06, 2006

5 or 20?

ha, this year I had another B-day away from home... well, I don't really remember how it was to celebrate b-days at home.. it's been a long time ago. Yeah, so I've just turned 20. WOW!!! I feel much older... NOT AT ALL. I don't feel any different, actually I feel much yonger... I was a bit upset that the day wasn't going to nice - weather bug told me that it was going to rain :S but in the end we had a wonderful weather :D so we went to chill out in the park in Columbia. FUN! we did everything that a 5 year old kid would do: climbing around the play ground, playing frizbi, lying on the grass.... Finally we went to eat in Arabic restaurant and shopping :P However, the day of surprises didn't end peacefully. Later, people organized a cake session... yeah, I wish it was just that, but eventually I ended up in the bathroom washing my head first from a broken egg and right after that I had to get rid of the mayonese on my hear. I wouldn't say I was happy that "my FIRENDS" did that to me, but it was funny, I should admit. Later on when the cakes were almost eaten my "another good friend" suggested to use the left overs for fun, so in exacktly 5 sec it was on my face!!!!! :S and here I couldn't hold it and did the same nasty thing to the person who was sitting next to me: Hasan :P he he he he, that ws even more funny
The day went amazing, and the greetings from far away almost made me cry the end of the day :( yeah, I realize that I miss ppl sOOOOO much, especially now, when everyone from here has gone as well... and I'm myself going home tomorrow... oh this packing :S I hate it! it's never easy to leave a place and to come back... but hopefully summer will be awesome and I get as much rest as I deserved! haven't I?! it's been a taugh semester, with lots of unwritten letters, with lots of unanswered e-mails, with a very bad "keep in touch"... but I will correct my mistakes,,, as soon as I get home and as soon as I get nothing to do there:P
he he he he
Summer will be great! I hope :D

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