Saturday, June 03, 2006


oh, it's not easy to be working 6 days a week... I'm there now, among tons of different smart books, different in size, different inside and outside, for all kinds of smart ppl... but it's too much for such a person like me, who discovered that reading can be fun only this summer, and who loves book, but only if they have pictures inside :P yeap, so now I realize that I need to grow up and read smart books, but the first look at those gigants scares me :S... thanks god, they've got internet in here, otherwise I would immideatly fall asleep right here, on this table... Saturday is a boring day, only young ppl and thiefs come today and use our naivete, coz it's only me and my mam here, instead of 4 ppl who mast work here... but it's also a very quite day, meaning that I can either chat to my mam (she refuses giving me any kinds of work) or read a beautiful book of a french writer Georg Sand...
oops, I guess, I need to get back to my responsibilities :P
well, I'll be back some time soon ;)

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